Understanding Causes and Finding Relief Recent statistics show that more than 90 million Americans will experience dizziness at some time […]
Understanding Causes and Finding Relief Recent statistics show that more than 90 million Americans will experience dizziness at some time […]
Recent clinical observations suggest a potential connection between benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV) and handheld percussive massage guns.
How handheld massage guns can cause vertigo? A report of several individuals experiencing sudden episodes of vertigo, or room-spinning dizziness,
Exploring Meniere’s Disease: Causes and Symptoms The ear can be divided into three regions: The outer ear, the middle ear,
Superior Semicircular Canal Dehiscence, or SSCD, is a bony abnormality of the inner ear.
SSCD is a rare disorder in which there is a gap in the bone covering the three semicircular canals.
Meniere’s Disease is an inner ear disorder resulting in buildup of fluid, usually affecting only one ear.